We’ve spent most nights this week pulling wallpaper off the walls in 2 rooms. We have found paper up to 5 layers thick, with plaster on top of paper to pull off. We’re now ready for the plasterer to come next week.
Tonight was date night and Phil and I have spent it in our newly created ‘lounge’(our bedroom with a sofa and TV added!). We hope to reclaim the lounge in about a month, once electrics and decorating are done, and the pub style carpet has been replaced.
To be honest, despite the busyness I’m quite enjoying the process. I get to watch the builders at work from my kitchen window each day and constantly stand in awe of their productivity. I feel the need to stand less and work more having watched their daily progress.
I’m also enjoying having less rooms to clean! I would never have chosen to live in a big house, because with a big property comes bigger problems and more work; but this is where God called us and we would never choose to be anywhere else.
Next week will be more electrics, more cladding and more construction work on the internals of the extension. The adventure continues….
Janet O'Neill says:
Good to hear your news Vicky. What a big project! Looking forward to seeing more progress next time 🙂
Love Janet xxx