We moved into our home 2 years ago, as of the 15th August. Two years with so many changes and so much that we’ve learnt. We arrived with tomatoes and apples ready to pick and again today our trees are burgeoning, our greenhouse is full and now we have 14 vegetable beds filled with a variety of produce. We’re starting to live more by the seasons and be guided by the demands that puts are our time. Harvest waits for no one and soon enough we will need to pick the apples and pears and start preparing them for storage. Some will be carefully wrapped and stored and some will be frozen, for snacks, pies and crumbles.
Moving onto our hens….After 2 years our original hens have largely given up laying, and so our friends kindly offered to give these ladies a final retirement home. Today we brought home 18 new rescue hens, which we have added to the 5, which are still laying, which we brought home last year. This new lot look somewhat naked, they could do with a knitted jumper each! Hopefully with love and time, these poor ex battery hens will feather up and find a happy place clucking around our orchard.
Two years in and we still feel very much like novices, but I can see progress, so there’s hope that one day we might actually know what we’re doing! Until then we’ll keep learning as we go 🙂.
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Nicola Collins says:
Looking magnificent! Tell Elizabeth that sometimes big heavy fruit like watermelon may prefer to rest on a bed of straw, stop those pesky bugs munching on the outer flesh! I’ll send you a picture of my poor courgette that had tested just on soil 🤦